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Section 6: CSET: Music Subtest  1 
Sample Constructed-Response Questions

Extended-Response Assignment

Extended Assignment Directions

For the following question, you are to prepare a written response of approximately 250 to 350 words.

Read each assignment carefully before you begin to write. Think about how you will organize what you plan to write.

Sample Extended-Response Assignment

Assignment 1

Use the information below to complete the exercise that follows.

Imagine that you are tasked with composing a work that uses ABA form.

Write a response of approximately 250–350 words in which you:

  • identify the structural components of ABA form and briefly describe how they will be included in your work;
  • explain how you will compose your work, using compositional techniques and devices;
  • describe a performing ensemble and performance location that would be appropriate for conveying the work's meaning; and
  • explain how the structural aspects of your composition would inform a performance of the work.

Example of Strong Extended Response

ABA or ternary form is made up of two contrasting sections, A and B, with the A section repeating at the end either in full or slightly varied (A'). In compound ternary form, one or more of these sections has its own complete form within itself. The A and B sections usually feature contrasting keys but may also contrast in melodic style, time signature, rhythmic content, and more. I would choose to write a Minuet and Trio (ABA'), a compound ternary form with both the A (Minuet) and B (Trio) sections containing ABA' forms. Both the Minuet and the Trio are traditionally in simple triple meters.

My Minuet's A section will begin in G Major at a moderato tempo, and the B section would move to the relative minor key, E minor. This would vary the small sections slightly while maintaining cohesion within the Minuet. The Trio will contrastingly begin in B minor and utilize a quicker tempo to establish new musical territory. Its B section will begin in the dominant F-sharp Major key to strongly differentiate the Trio from the Minuet, making the return to the Minuet more strongly anticipated and satisfying.

An appropriate performance of my Minuet and Trio would be a string quartet at an elementary school. ABA form is excellent for storytelling because it mirrors the hero's journey in literature; the hero begins at home (A), travels somewhere unfamiliar (B), and returns home changed (A'). The performance will provide an opportunity for students to learn how music can be imagined and may inspire them to compose. Additionally, the students may be inspired to learn any of the three instruments that they will see and hear in the quartet.

The structural aspects of my composition would inform an educational performance of the work. After explaining the overall structure and relating it to the hero's journey, the musicians can introduce each section's themes to the students and assign them characters. When the entire piece is performed, the students can listen in a much more engaged manner, following characters on their journey from home to the unfamiliar and back home again.

Extended-Response Assignment Performance Characteristics

The following performance characteristics will guide the scoring of responses to the extended-response constructed-response question on CSET: Music Subtest I.

Purpose The extent to which the response addresses the constructed-response assignment's charge in relation to relevant CSET subject matter requirements.
Subject Matter Knowledge The application of accurate subject matter knowledge as described in the relevant CSET subject matter requirements.
Support The appropriateness and quality of the supporting evidence in relation to relevant CSET subject matter requirements.
Depth and Breadth of Understanding The degree to which the response demonstrates understanding of the relevant CSET subject matter requirements.

Extended-Response Assignment Scoring Scale

Scores will be assigned to each response to the extended-response constructed-response questions on CSET: Music Subtest I according to the following scoring scale.

Score Point Score Point Description
4 The "4" response reflects a thorough command of the relevant knowledge and skills as defined in the subject matter requirements for CSET: Music.
  • The purpose of the assignment is fully achieved.
  • There is a substantial and accurate application of relevant subject matter knowledge.
  • The supporting evidence is sound; there are high-quality, relevant examples.
  • The response reflects a comprehensive understanding of the assignment.
3 The "3" response reflects a general command of the relevant knowledge and skills as defined in the subject matter requirements for CSET: Music.
  • The purpose of the assignment is largely achieved.
  • There is a largely accurate application of relevant subject matter knowledge.
  • The supporting evidence is adequate; there are some acceptable, relevant examples.
  • The response reflects an adequate understanding of the assignment.
2 The "2" response reflects a limited command of the relevant knowledge and skills as defined in the subject matter requirements for CSET: Music.
  • The purpose of the assignment is partially achieved.
  • There is limited accurate application of relevant subject matter knowledge.
  • The supporting evidence is limited; there are few relevant examples.
  • The response reflects a limited understanding of the assignment.
1 The "1" response reflects little or no command of the relevant knowledge and skills as defined in the subject matter requirements for CSET: Music.
  • The purpose of the assignment is not achieved.
  • There is little or no accurate application of relevant subject matter knowledge.
  • The supporting evidence is weak; there are no or few relevant examples.
  • The response reflects little or no understanding of the assignment.
U The "U" (Unscorable) is assigned to a response that is unrelated to the assignment, illegible, primarily in a language other than English, or does not contain a sufficient amount of original work to score.
B The "B" (Blank) is assigned to a response that is blank.

Focused-Response Assignments

Focused Assignment Directions

The focused-response questions for CSET: Music Subtest I involve video-recording two performances and uploading the files for scoring.

Functional Keyboard Proficiency Exercise: When you register for CSET: Music Subtest I, you will be assigned one of six functional keyboard proficiency exercises.

Vocal/Instrumental Proficiency Exercise: Using the Vocal/Instrumental Proficiency Repertoire List, locate the instrument or vocal range in which you plan to demonstrate your music performance skills. You will be assigned one of the four excerpts listed for your instrument or vocal range.

Instructions for recording your video performances are provided in the CSET: Music Subtest I Video Performance Procedures Manual links to a PDF.

Sample Focused-Response Assignment

Assignment 2

Functional Keyboard Proficiency Exercise

Using the melody provided below, prepare the following functional keyboard proficiency exercise:

  • play the given melody accompanied with an appropriate harmonic progression using block chords;
  • play the given melody accompanied with an appropriate harmonic progression using arpeggiated chords;
  • play the melody transposed to D Major accompanied with an appropriate harmonic progression using block chords; and
  • play the melody transposed to B-flat Major accompanied with an appropriate harmonic progression using arpeggiated chords.

Video-record your functional keyboard proficiency exercise strictly following the instructions provided in the CSET: Music Subtest I Video Performance Procedures Manual.


Focused-Response Assignment Performance Characteristics

Functional Keyboard Proficiency

The following performance characteristics will guide the scoring of responses to the functional keyboard proficiency constructed-response question on CSET: Music Subtest I.

The candidate meets the needs of general classroom performance and ensemble rehearsals by playing the keyboard proficiently.

Purpose The extent to which the response addresses the constructed-response assignment's charge in relation to relevant CSET subject matter requirements.
Subject Matter Knowledge The application of accurate subject matter knowledge as described in the relevant CSET subject matter requirements.
Support The appropriateness and quality of the supporting evidence in relation to relevant CSET subject matter requirements.

Vocal/Instrumental Proficiency

The following performance characteristics will guide the scoring of responses to the vocal/instrumental proficiency constructed-response question on CSET: Music Subtest I.

The candidate demonstrates an advanced understanding of the facets of creative expression by performing expressively and skillfully with voice or on a primary instrument.

Purpose The extent to which the response addresses the constructed-response assignment's charge in relation to relevant CSET subject matter requirements.
Subject Matter Knowledge The application of accurate subject matter knowledge as described in the relevant CSET subject matter requirements.
Support The appropriateness and quality of the supporting evidence in relation to relevant CSET subject matter requirements.

Focused-Response Assignment Scoring Scale

Functional Keyboard Proficiency

Scores will be assigned to each response to the functional keyboard proficiency constructed-response question on CSET: Music Subtest I according to the following scoring scale.

Score Point Score Point Description
3 The "3" response reflects a command of keyboard skills as defined in the subject matter requirements for CSET: Music.
  • The purpose of the assignment is fully achieved.
  • There is technically accurate application of relevant subject matter knowledge throughout the performance, i.e., musicianship is excellent—pitches, rhythms, and transpositions of the melody are accurate.
  • There is appropriate accompaniment throughout the performance, i.e., accompaniment is harmonically and stylistically appropriate to the melody.
2 The "2" response reflects a general command of keyboard skills as defined in the subject matter requirements for CSET: Music.
  • The purpose of the assignment is largely achieved.
  • There is largely accurate application of relevant subject matter knowledge throughout the performance, i.e., musicianship is acceptable—pitches, rhythms, and transpositions of the melody are generally accurate with some inconsistencies.
  • There is largely appropriate accompaniment throughout the performance, i.e., accompaniment is generally appropriate, harmonically and stylistically, to the melody.
1 The "1" response reflects limited or no command of keyboard skills as defined in the subject matter requirements for CSET: Music.
  • The purpose of the assignment is only partially or not achieved.
  • There is limited or no application of relevant subject matter knowledge in the performance, i.e., musicianship is inadequate—pitches, rhythms, and transpositions of the melody are frequently inaccurate.
  • There is little or no appropriate accompaniment in the performance, i.e., accompaniment is inadequate or the melody is unaccompanied.
U The "U" (Unscorable) is assigned to a performance that does not meet one or more of the requirements specified in the CSET: Music Subtest I Video Performance Procedures Manual.
B The "B" (Blank) is assigned when there is no video and no audio recorded on the first three minutes of the video file.

Vocal/Instrumental Proficiency

Scores will be assigned to each response to the vocal/instrumental proficiency constructed-response question on CSET: Music Subtest I according to the following scoring scale.

Score Point Score Point Description
3 The "3" response reflects a command of vocal or instrumental skills as defined in the subject matter requirements for CSET: Music.
  • The purpose of the assignment is fully achieved.
  • There is technically accurate application of relevant subject matter knowledge throughout the performance, i.e., musicianship is excellent—pitches, rhythms, and/or diction is accurate; tone quality, bowing, or stroke technique is excellent.
  • There is appropriate supporting evidence throughout the performance, i.e., articulation and phrasing are accurate and expression is appropriate.
2 The "2" response reflects a general command of vocal or instrumental skills as defined in the subject matter requirements for CSET: Music.
  • The purpose of the assignment is largely achieved.
  • There is largely accurate application of relevant subject matter knowledge throughout the performance, i.e., musicianship is acceptable—pitches, rhythms, and/or diction is generally accurate; tone quality, bowing, or stroke technique is good with some inconsistencies.
  • There is generally appropriate supporting evidence throughout the performance, i.e., articulation and phrasing are generally accurate with some inconsistencies and expression is acceptable.
1 The "1" response reflects a limited or no command of vocal or instrumental skills as defined in the subject matter requirements for CSET: Music.
  • The purpose of the assignment is only partially or not achieved.
  • There is limited or no application of relevant subject matter knowledge in the performance, i.e., musicianship is inadequate—pitches, rhythms, and/or diction is frequently inaccurate; tone quality, bowing, or stroke technique is poor.
  • There is little or no appropriate supporting evidence in the performance, i.e., articulation and phrasing are inaccurate and there is little or no expression.
U The "U" (Unscorable) is assigned to a performance that does not meet one or more of the requirements specified in the CSET: Music Subtest I Video Performance Procedures Manual.
B The "B" (Blank) is assigned when there is no video and no audio recorded on the first three minutes of the video file.


[Public Domain] [Adapted] Clementine. As appears in Elizabeth Crook, Bennett Reimer, and David S. Walker (Eds.), (1985) Silver Burdett Music Centennial Edition (Teacher's ed., Vol. 4) (p. 154). Morristown, NJ: Silver Burdett Company.

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