When you register for the RICA, you will be asked to answer the following background questions. Providing accurate
and complete background information about yourself is important; the information that you provide will be kept
Evaluation Systems takes reasonable precautions to protect the integrity of your personal information. The complete privacy policy is accessible as a link at the bottom of the CTC Examinations home page.
The CTC uses the background information (including ethnicity, gender, and date of birth) to satisfy
legal requirements, to conduct research that benefits improvement of educator preparation programs, and to help ensure the
fairness and quality of the examination for which you are registering. This information will be analyzed as group data only. Examinee-level data will not be provided to score recipient institutions.
It may be used for statistical and research purposes and will not be used, in whole or in part, to make a
determination about any individual.
If you register on the Internet for the RICA Written Examination, you will answer the following questions interactively as you register. If you register
by mail for the RICA Video Performance Assessment, enter your responses to the following questions on the registration form. Each section number corresponds
to the section of the registration form where you will record your response.
Ethnicity (section 3 on registration form)
Which option best describes your ethnic background?
- African American or Black
- Japanese American/Japanese
- Chinese American/Chinese
- Korean American/Korean
- Filipino American/Filipino
- Cambodian American/Cambodian
- Laotian American/Laotian
- Vietnamese American/Vietnamese
- Other Southeast Asian American/Southeast Asian (e.g., Hmong, Khmer)
- Asian Indian American/Asian Indian
- Hawaiian
- Guamanian
- Samoan
- Other Pacific Island American/Other Pacific Islander
- Mexican American or Chicano
- Latino/Latin American/Puerto Rican/Other Hispanic
- Native American/American Indian/Alaskan Native
- White (non-Hispanic)
- Other
Reason for Taking the RICA (section 8 on registration form)
Why are you taking the RICA?
- To satisfy part of the requirements for a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential
- To satisfy part of the requirements for an Education Specialist Instruction Credential (special education)
Best Language (section 9 on registration form)
What is your best language of communication?
- English
- Spanish
- Vietnamese
- Cantonese
- Hmong
- Other
First Language(s) (section 10 on registration form)
Which language(s) did you first learn as a child?
- English only
- English and one or more other languages
- One or more languages other than English
Educational Level (section 11 on registration form)
What is the highest educational level you will have attained prior to taking the RICA?
- High school diploma
- Associate's degree
- Bachelor's degree
- Bachelor's degree plus additional units
- Master's degree
- Master's degree plus additional units
- Doctoral degree
College Grade Point Average (section 12 on registration form)
What is your cumulative undergraduate grade point average to date or, if you have graduated from college,
your final undergraduate grade point average (based on a system in which 4.00 = A)?
- 3.50 to 4.00
- 3.00 to 3.49
- 2.50 to 2.99
- 2.00 to 2.49
- 1.50 to 1.99
- Below 1.50
- I have not attended college.
Types of Linguistics Courses Completed (section 13 on registration form)
Which of the following college linguistics
courses will you have successfully completed prior
to taking the RICA? (Select all that apply.)
- No college linguistics courses
- An introductory linguistics course
- A course in English grammar and/or the structure
of the English language
- A course in developmental linguistics and/or
language development
- A course in language, society, and culture
- A course in language acquisition and/or English
language acquisition
- A course in literacy and literacy development
- A linguistics course in topics other than those
listed above
Number of Linguistics
Courses Completed (section 14 on registration form)
How many college linguistics courses
will you have successfully completed prior to
taking the RICA?
- None
- One
- Two
- Three
- Four
- Five or more
Reading-Related Courses
Completed (section 15 on registration form)
Which of the following college reading-related
courses will you have successfully completed prior
to taking the RICA? (Select all that apply.)
- Children's Literature
- Children's Drama/Theatre
- The Writing Process
- Child Development/Human Development
- Cognitive Psychology/Cognitive Science
- Speech Disorders/Speech Therapy
- At least three World Language courses in the same language
- None of these courses
Reading-Related Teaching
Experience (section 16 on registration form)
Outside of a professional preparation
program (i.e., education coursework and supervised
teaching or internship teaching), in which of
the following contexts will you have taught reading
by the time you take the RICA? (Select all that
- I will have taught, or will be teaching, reading
in a private school (K–12).
- I will have taught, or will be teaching, reading
in a public school (K–12) with an emergency permit, provisional
internship permit, or short-term staff permit.
- I will have taught, or will be teaching, reading
in a public school (K–12) with an internship credential.
- I will have taught, or will be teaching, reading
in a public school (K–12) with a valid California
teaching credential (other than an internship
credential, an emergency
permit, a provisional internship permit, or a short-term staff permit).
- None of the above
Student Teaching (section
17 on registration form)
How many different student teaching
assignments (i.e., different classrooms and master
teachers), if any, will you have completed prior
to taking the RICA?
- None
- One
- Two
- Three
- Four or more
- I am currently an intern.
Grade-Level Experience
(section 18 on registration form)
By the time you take the RICA, with
what grade levels will you have had experience
providing reading instruction as a student teacher;
an intern; a teacher with an emergency permit,
provisional internship permit, or short-term staff permit;
a credentialed teacher; or a private school teacher?
(Select all that apply.)
- I will have had no such experience.
- Pre-Kindergarten
- Kindergarten
- Grade 1
- Grade 2
- Grade 3
- Grade 4
- Grade 5
- Grade 6
- Grade 7
- Grade 8
- Any of Grades 9–12
Special Preparation (section 19 on registration form)
In the year prior to taking the RICA, will you have completed any special test preparation
workshops or tutorials that were intended specifically to help you pass the RICA?
Preparation for Reading
Instruction (section 20 on registration form)
Which of the following preparations
for reading instruction will you have completed
prior to taking the RICA? (Select all that apply.)
- I will have successfully completed a course
in methods of reading instruction at an accredited
college or university.
- I will have successfully completed instruction
in methods of teaching reading in an intern
- As part of a professional preparation program
or reading methods course, I will have observed
reading instruction in one or more K–12 schools
(other than in my student teaching or internship
teaching assignments).
- As part of a professional preparation program
or reading methods course, I will have worked
with individual students to improve their reading
skills in one or more K–12 schools (other than
in my student teaching or internship teaching
- As part of a professional preparation program,
I will have had daily responsibility for classroom
reading instruction (as either a student teacher
or an intern).
- I will have completed none of the above.
Professional Preparation
(section 21 on registration form)
What stage in your professional preparation
(i.e., education coursework and supervised teaching
or internship teaching) will you have reached
at the time you take the RICA?
- I will not have begun professional preparation.
College or university internship program:
- I will be in the first year of a college or
university internship program.
- I will be in the second year of a college or
university internship program.
- I will have completed a college or university
internship program.
District intern program:
- I will be in the first year of a district intern
- I will be in the second year of a district
intern program.
- I will have completed a district intern program.
Teacher preparation program (noninternship):
- I will be in a noninternship college or university
teacher preparation program and will not have begun student teaching.
- I will be in a noninternship college or university
teacher preparation program and will have begun, but not completed,
student teaching.
- I will be in a noninternship college or university
teacher preparation program and will have completed my student teaching
- I will have completed a noninternship college
or university teacher preparation program.
If you will have begun
or completed your professional preparation at the
time you take the RICA (i.e., if you selected any
of B through K in section 21), answer each of the
three parts of section 22 on the registration form.
If you will not have begun your professional preparation,
leave section 22 blank.
Professional Preparation Institution.
Indicate the college, university, or district
intern program in which you will be enrolled
or have completed your professional preparation
(i.e., education coursework and supervised
teaching or internship teaching as you indicated
in section 21) at the time you take the RICA.
If your professional preparation program
is a California college, university, or
district intern program, refer to Institution Codes
and enter the appropriate three-digit
If your professional preparation program
is a California institution not listed
in Institution Codes
enter 750.
If your professional preparation program
is located outside of California, enter
Institution for Reading Instruction
Courses. Prior to taking the RICA,
will you have successfully completed
a course or instruction in methods of reading
instruction (asked about in section 20) at
the institution you indicated in section 22A?
Answer Yes if you will
have successfully completed a course or
instruction in methods of reading instruction
at the institution you indicated in section
Answer No if you will
not have successfully completed a course
or instruction in methods of reading instruction
at the institution you indicated in section
Institution for Linguistics/Reading-Related
Courses. Prior to taking the RICA,
will you have successfully completed linguistics
and/or reading-related courses (as listed
in sections 13 and 15) at the institution
you indicated in section 22A?
Answer Yes if you will
have successfully completed linguistics
and/or reading-related courses AND
you will have completed most or all of
these courses at the institution you indicated
in section 22A.
Answer No if you will
not have successfully completed any linguistics
and/or reading-related courses OR
if you will have completed most or all
of these courses at an institution different
from the one you indicated in section
Undergraduate Major (section 23 on registration form)
What was/is your undergraduate major?
If you are registering by U.S. mail for the RICA Video Performance Assessment, refer to the following table
and enter the appropriate code.
Code |
Major |
Humanities |
841 |
Art or Art History |
842 |
Dance |
843 |
Drama or Theatre Arts |
844 |
Music |
845 |
Philosophy or Religion |
846 |
Other Humanities |
Language Studies |
851 |
Communication |
852 |
English or Comparative Literature |
853 |
Linguistics |
854 |
French |
855 |
Spanish |
856 |
Other World Language |
Sciences |
881 |
Biology or Biological
Science |
882 |
Chemistry |
883 |
Earth Science, Geology,
or Geoscience |
884 |
General Science |
885 |
Physics or Physical Science |
886 |
Other Natural Science |
Social Sciences |
901 |
Anthropology |
902 |
Economics |
903 |
Ethnic Studies |
904 |
History |
905 |
Political Science or
Government |
906 |
Psychology |
907 |
Sociology |
908 |
Women's Studies |
909 |
Other Social Science |
Studies |
911 |
Agriculture |
912 |
Home Economics |
913 |
Industrial Arts |
914 |
Technology Science |
Areas of Study |
800 |
Business, Marketing,
or Advertising |
810 |
Computer Science |
820 |
Education (Choose this
code only if your undergraduate major was/is
Education.) |
830 |
Engineering |
860 |
Liberal Studies (Choose
this code only if your undergraduate major
was/is Liberal Studies.) |
870 |
Mathematics |
890 |
Physical Education or
Athletics |
950 |
Undergraduate major not
listed here |
Sexual Orientation (section 27 on registration form)
Why are you being asked this question?
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Disparities Reduction Act
(AB 677) requires specific state departments, including the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC), to collect voluntary self-identification information pertaining to sexual orientation. It is the goal of the state government, in collecting this data, to gather accurate information in order to enhance and improve public services for all Californians with a particular focus on addressing health disparities. Information pertaining to sexual orientation will not be publicly disclosed or otherwise used to identify the identity of individuals who provide this information voluntarily. You are not required to answer this question.
Do you consider yourself to be:
Select one (optional):
- Heterosexual/Straight
- Gay/Lesbian
- Bisexual
- Other
- Not sure
- Decline to state