CalAPA Program Coordinator and Faculty Guidelines for Mid-Range Submission Materials Distribution
The CalAPA mid-range submission materials are available to CalAPA Coordinators for use with faculty, candidates, cooperating teachers, and supervisors and are to be shared as examples of successful CalAPA submissions. These materials must be used under the conditions described below:
Access to CalAPA mid-range submission materials is restricted to authorized CalAPA program participants. If you have authorized access to these materials, you may share them by a secure method with your candidates, faculty, and educators supporting candidates in their fieldwork or clinical placements who are participating in CalAPA.
Secure means of sharing materials include for example:
- Creation of an online shared area (e.g., Dropbox location) and granting of access only to students at your institution who are participating in CalAPA.
Uploading to a secure network location, (e.g., an online submission system) with access by faculty and students at your institution who are participating in CalAPA.
Distribution of printed copies to students who are participating in CalAPA. Recipients should be directed that the materials should not be further duplicated or shared.
Distribution of printed copies to students who are participating in CalAPA. Recipients should be directed that the materials should not be further duplicated or shared.
The CTC owns all CalAPA materials, including candidate submissions and data collected in relation to the CalAPA. These mid-range responses are selected from actual candidate submissions.
Faculty, supervisors and other appropriate educators supporting candidates in their fieldwork or clinical placements use of mid-range submissions is provided for educational purposes only. If provided mid-range submissions are used inappropriately, for example, a candidate submits any part of the submission as their own work or submissions materials are shared in non-educational ways, actions may result in a review by the CTC's Committee on Credentials and/or Committee on Accreditation putting candidates, faculty, and the approved program in jeopardy of losing credentials and/or program accreditation.
Candidate use of video for the CalAPA is restricted by the parameters of the release forms verified for all individuals featured in a video. Because parents/guardians/families and/or adults have not typically granted permission for public use of the videos in which they or their minors appear, videos must NOT be displayed publicly (e.g., through personal websites, YouTube™, or Facebook™). Publicly displaying videos may result in a review by the CTC's Committee on Credentials and/or Committee on Accreditation putting candidates, faculty, and the approved program in jeopardy of losing credentials and/or program accreditation.
When you access these materials you will be required to read and accept the Terms and Conditions of Use
Faculty wishing to access these materials should contact their program's CalAPA Coordinator.