CalAPA Assessment Materials
Current Assessment Guides, Templates, and Updates
Candidates may obtain the following CalAPA assessment materials either from their preparation program or via download directly from the ePortfolio submission system once they have registered for a cycle.
- CalAPA Leadership Cycles 1, 2, and 3 Performance Assessment Guides
- CalAPA Leadership Cycles 1, 2, and 3 Templates
- CalAPA Leadership Cycles 1, 2, and 3 Checklists
- CalAPA Assessment Materials Updates (corrections-after-publishing list)
Candidates who plan to submit during the 2024–2025 program year should use CalAPA Assessment Guides and Materials marked as Version 07. Submissions received after July 9, 2024, will be assessed according to the Version 07 rubrics.
Performance Assessment Overview, Program Guide, Glossary, and Checklist
- CalAPA Performance Assessment Overview
: a brief overview of the CalAPA Leadership Cycles, including a summary of the evidence candidates are required to submit and the rubric essential questions against which candidates will be assessed
- CalAPA Program Guide
: a supplemental guide for program faculty and candidates providing additional supports and insights into the foundational concepts of the CalAPA
- CalAPA Glossary
: contains terms as used in the current version of the CalAPA Performance Assessment Guides
- CalAPA Candidate Checklist
: a checklist to track your CalAPA assessment progress
Sample Video Consent Forms (if not provided by school/district)
For students to legally appear on camera, they must have a release on file with the school. Check with your school or district to verify that appropriate permissions are on file from the parents/guardians/families of students and from adults who appear in any video recording, including video captured in an online setting.
If the appropriate permissions are not on file with your school or district, you may use the sample consent forms provided below. Check with your administrative services preparation program for other specific information (e.g., district requirements) that may be required to include in the consent forms you use for completion of the CalAPA. Retain the permissions in your own files according to the protocol of the school or district where you recorded the video and for as long as you plan to use the video for educative purposes.
- Sample Volunteer Educator Consent Form PDF | Word
- Sample Parent/Guardian/Family Consent Form PDF | Word